case scenarios
case scenario #1
Let's say that you are witnessing to someone about how important it is to be saved. That without confessing and believing in your heart that Jesus Christ died for you and rose again that if they were to die that they would go to HELL! And their reply is “Well I'm a good person and I always do what's right. So, as long as I am doing what's right and not doing wrong I think God will let me go to Heaven.”
Well give them this scenario:
Imagine there is a really bad storm one night and a stranger knocks on your door asking you to let him in. Will you let him enter......No! Why? Is it because you don't know them? Well, let them know that it is the same way with God. You might be a good person but if you are not saved you will not enter into heaven because God does not know you!
by Joshua Hearn
case scenario #2
Maybe, you will come across an atheist that tells you they don't believe that there is a God because they can't see him and that they don't believe in anything that they can't see.
Well give them this scenario:
Ask them,"Do you believe in the wind?”They will say yes. Then ask them “Well why do you, I mean you can't see it and you just told me that you do not believe in anything that you cannot see?” And they will say“Well I don't need to see the wind I can feel it.” Let them know that it is the same way with God you can't see him but you can feel him all around you!
by Joshua Hearn
case scenario #3
Let's say you come across one of the many Christians who love the Lord just - because - of what he can do for them. And the only time they talk and pray to God is when they want something and they never take the time to build the relationship that is truly needed.
Well give them this scenario:
Say you get married and all time your husband or wife just wanted to receive things and never gave you anything and never took the time to build the relationship with you. Ask them, "would you be happy and stay with this person or would you be unhappy and want out of the relationship if things don't change?" You would be very unhappy and want out because no one wants to be in a relationship with someone who just wants you because of what you can do for them. Well let them know that it is the same way with God. We should be in love with God just because of who he is, not just for what he can do for you! And as it is says in the Bible more than once that this is the greatest commandment “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength." (Luke 10:27, Mark 12:30, Matthew 22:37, Deuteronomy 6:5, Deuteronomy 30:6)
by Joshua Hearn
Worst Case
Today, if a co-worker asked you what the worst case scenario is. Getting a bad doctor's report or going financially bankrupt?
Tell them neither one is. Why? Because dying without Jesus Christ and being eternally condemned and hell bound for all eternity is the worst case scenario.
A bad doctor's report can be a real fact but God's truth exceeds the facts. Facts state that you're sick but truth says with Jesus Stripes you're healed.Whose report will you believe?
Going bankrupt is temporary. But dying without Jesus is permanent. You better die in Christ.
God can fix any situation. No matter what the storm, trial, challenge or tribulation is. God can fix it. But if you die without Christ, that's the absolute worst case scenario ever.
what would you do?
At your church there's a young teenage girl who came to you for advice. She's in the 10th grade and she's very active in youth ministry. She tells you she has been talking to a guy her age at her school and her parents don't know. She tells you she has gotten on birth control pills as well. What advice would you give her and how would you handle this situation?